Creating a Young Author

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Hard Copy & Digital Video listed below

Creating Stories on the computer .

This website is lots of fun and will allow your students to become the author of their own work

It is simple Effortless

 - Fast - and Fun

Please read the 6 numbered directions on the right side of this page.


Copying Story to printout on paper.

1.  Windows -- Snipping Tool
2.  Camera from Smart Notebook
3.  Mac Computers
      a.  SHIFT CONTROL COMMAND #4 to copy
     b.  COMMAND P  to paste

Click on the picture and use Text Wrap for all methods



My Story Maker Click Here

Video On Creating your Story

Creating a Story

Video - 1

This video will show you how to install Screen O Matic on your computer to create a video.
Also creates your video

Installing the Software

Video - 2


This video will illustrate how you may transfer your story to paper for a hard copy.

Printing your Story

Video - 3


We have provided for you several methods for printing out a hard copy of your story.  Use the method that best suits your needs.

You may create a hard copy in PDF format or on the right choose one of the three presented to create your own video.

Two examples have been provided for you one hard copy and the second a video of the same story.

Great for you to become your own Author

  1. You may save your story in PDF format to printout at a later time.

  2. You will be given a CODE that will allow you to bring your story back on line when you log back on. Write this code down if you forget it you can never retrieve your story.

  3. IMPORTANT If you finish your story you will not be able to go back and edit the story.  You may preview the story and then make corrections.

  4. Using a microphone you may choose any of the below software programs to create your video with sound, or just create a video with no voice.

  5. If your students are creating a  story in class and they only have a 45 min class you must have them create the wording for the story first in Microsoft word allowing them to look it over edit it and then bring it back up during the period they are going to create their complete story.  This will save them time in thinking about what they are going to write about. They may then copy and paste it in the desired pages.

  6. If your assignment is only a two or three page story they may do the whole story in a 45 min class providing you prepared them with directions prior to that day.  Make sure you tell them to save the CODE.

Sample Story

We have listed the order in which you may want to create your video.

1.  Screen Recorder Screen Cast-O- Matic  This is free software on this website to use and will quickly install.  FREE Works with  Windows and Mac computers1. 

2.  Camtaisa  -  You may download this and test it out on your computer as a free trial.  To keep it past 30 days you will have to pay for it.

3. Smart Board Recorder (comes with Smart software) FREE

The dragon who Traveled the Ocean 
Click here
The dragon who Traveled the Ocean  Video
Click here
The Genie who Traveled to the playground
Click Here
The Genie who Traveled to the playground
Click Here
