Classroom Projects

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Type of Activity

Web Site

Description of Site

Interactive & engaged

Jigsaw Web page

Creating a jigsaw of and for your students.  You may create one using Power Point
Creating a story book and or book and video or a documentary

Creating Story & Documentary

This website will provide you with examples and videos to assist you in creating a story of your liking.  Allowing you to use your imagination.

This website will list several ideas or methods you may use to create your own stories and or documentaries for presentations.

Interactive & Engaged

Creating Stories and

This site will present ideas with videos and examples of how you may create and author your own videos - & printout engaged activities in your classroom.  This is truly blending in technology using 21st Century techniques.
This web page will present various  methods of using technology in the classroom.

 Designing Activities

 Comings,  Goings and Events


Many different ideas are presented allowing you to determine which is best for different events going on in your classroom.
Students are shown how to creating a QR coded lesson. Students will create Interactive and engaged lesson using the pure change in Paradigm shift and new pedagogy.

Students Designing

QR Coded Lessons for their Class

This site will provide students with a complete set of instructions to create their own QR Lesson.  They will discover written directions, videos, links and examples.
Teachers and Students may create their presentations providing instructions to the class. Allowing students to become authors. 

Near Pod

Creating a Lesson for teachers and students authoring presentations

This site will provide you with directions on creating a presentation to deliver your information to whomever you are presenting to.

Website Tabs Comprehensive Covering Technology