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Visual re-enactment  of the Total Flight

Watch the Apollo 11 mission recreated in real time on the web, follow Twitter feeds of transmissions between Mission Control and the spacecraft, and even get an eMail alert when the lunar module touches down.

NASA Apollo Anniversary

NASA - Apollo 40th Anniversary
The Apollo 40th Anniversary website details and celebrates the many accomplishments of the Apollo Program.l

John F. Kennedy Space Center

John F. Kennedy Space Center - Apollo 11
Explore this collection of materials relating to the Apollo 11 mission, including an impressive collection of images.

Apollo 11 @ the Smithsonian Institution

Apollo 11 @ the Smithsonian Institution
An interesting exhibit about Project Apollo created by the National Air and Space Museum.

Americans in Space

Americans in Space
Provides materials, resources, and activities that will help you explore the US Space Program.

Echoes of Apollo

Echoes of Apollo
Celebrate the Apollo missions on the 40th anniversary of Apollo 11's moon landing with these NASA video segments describing what occurred during the mission. Each lesson consists of several student activities.

Apollo 11 Flight Plan

Apollo 11 Flight Plan
Explore the flight plan for Apollo 11 at the National Archives, which was a minute-by-minute time line of activities for the mission crew

Landing on the Moon 360 Degrees 

Click here to visual be on the moon and rotate 360 degrees. 

Photos of the Apollo Mission


Outstanding photos taken of the mission. 



Upon viewing the mission a teacher may enter in each students name and printout a certificate of the mission.